E-mail: cega@cega.bg    |    Phone: +359 2988 36 39    |
Young people are taking action

“I started thinking about things, that I never thought about before”, is the feedback of one of the participants at the summer school in Lithuania. Seventeen youth 13 – 18 years old took part in the learning camp organized by the Global Citizens Academy on June 26-28 near Kaunas. The participants have been engaged into…

August 1, 2019
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Youth learn how to implement their ideas

A summer school for active youth from the communities where “Global education goes local” project works has been hold in July 10-15 2019 in Lozenetz, Bulgaria. The school was aimed to get the teenagers familiar with the Sustainable development goals and to coach them how to plan and implement their ideas. 25 youth at the…

July 24, 2019
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What we done first year

Present 1st year GEGL actions in a few photos. Stay tuned… #gegl VIDEO: WHAT WE DONE FIRST YEAR

March 5, 2019
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International Workshop in Spain

About 30 people from six countries Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Slovenia and Spain gathered together for 2 days to share their experience in organizing local actions in three Sustainable Development Goals. The actions are part of large initiatives Global Education Goes Local supported by European Union. We are sharing what we did in each of the…

January 30, 2019
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Via chocolate and recycling to responsible consumption in Lithuania

As part of the local learning action process in Lithuania a series of workshops for responsible consumption has been hold in the schools partnering in the project. The events started with “The dark side of chocolate” film screening on November 22, 28-29 followed by afternoon educational games. The teachers applied the following methodological resources:  Simulation…

December 21, 2018
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Getting youth on environmental issues during a beach party

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

August 29, 2018
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Future World Center joins the annual festival in Lefkara with recycling lab

The Future World Center together with volunteers from Lefkara joined the annul city festival with recycling events. The action was focused on SDG 11 reaching sustainable and inclusive cities and on SDG 12 raising the responsible consumption. The volunteers designed a stall on the festival in Lefraka on August 12 and 16. The main topic…

August 18, 2018
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Six towns join “Global Education goes local” Project in Slovenia

The communities of Rakičanin, Koper, Oplotnica, TRbovlje, Majšperk and Murska Sobota joined the ”Global education goes local” Project in Slovenia. The Institute of African studies conducted meetings  in 15 municipalities in May and June to present the project and to advocate for the local governments’ engagement. The institute presented as well an exhibition of children…

July 16, 2018
The links between the small communities and the global agenda on the spot

How a small community could be sustainable and smart, what are the common issues between a village in South of Bulgaria, a town in one of the most disadvantaged regions in the European Union  and SDG 11 Sustainable and inclusive cities was one of the topics of the second national training in Bulgaria on June…

June 26, 2018
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4 schools, a library, youth and environmental NGO-s are on board in Lithuania

Four schools in Lithuania together with a local library, an environmental grassroots organization and two youth organizations raised their skills in tools for engaging youth, working on sustainable development goals and in applying Global learning perspective in teaching. Three trainings have been hold in the period March-June 2018 by the Global Citizens Academy, partner in…

June 10, 2018
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