Introducing Sustainable development goals via cooking was one of the approaches implemented in the LAP-s in Austria. Culinary workshops show case the link between SDG-s 11, 12 and 13 – sustainable cities, responsible consumption and production and climate change. Cooking offers a lot of starting points for discussion e.g. waste of resources, regional farming and sustainable consumption.
The second round of the LAP in Gratkom, Austria, was set on concrete practices of sustainable behavior in everyday life – nutrition and waste avoidance. On series of workshops has been demonstrated simple hands-on activity, which attracted young people who initially were not interested in development issues. A cooking workshop showed the link between products and climate change and the participants prepare a delicious menu with vegan products along with a discussion on the impact of climate change. A follow up workshop on Zero waste practices presented concrete examples for waste prevention in everyday life (food, cosmetics, packaging alternatives, repair cafes). The engagement into the workshop activities gives young people a chance to become active right on the first day.
The LAP-s in April and May 2019 built up on the first round when the focus has been on responsible consumption, the ecological farming and the decent work conditions. During the first LAP the youth center ARENA invited the local Gratkorn cookbook author Brigitte Rühl-Preitler for a cooking workshop with the participants to cook good, affordable and regional recipes from her book “Eating to life”. During the workshop has been presented how sustainable shopping can be done just by applying the right shopping plan and how left-over meals from the previous day can be “upcycled” to another delicious meal so that it does not need to end up in the garbage. The participants became aware of the importance of ecological and regional production and the consequences of global food production (SDGs 11, 12).
More on introducing SDG-s via cooking could be found in the Goes POP Action section of the “Global education goes POP” Toolkit.