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Via chocolate and recycling to responsible consumption in Lithuania

Global Education Goes Local > Success Stories > Uncategorized > Via chocolate and recycling to responsible consumption in Lithuania
  • C.E.G.A.
  • 1 Comment

As part of the local learning action process in Lithuania a series of workshops for responsible consumption has been hold in the schools partnering in the project. The events started with “The dark side of chocolate” film screening on November 22, 28-29 followed by afternoon educational games. The teachers applied the following methodological resources:  Simulation “Growing chocolate simulation”, game “What I know about chocolate”, Sharing game “who gets what?”.

The awareness raising process closed up with an education chocolate workshop on December 20. During the educational trip to private chocolate factory “AJ šokoladas” the pupils have the opportunity no only to see how chocolate is made, but also to check if it’s made by the rules of “Fair trade”.

Recycling was the second topic of the LAPs in Lithuania.  The events were design to be hold around Christmas. An introductory lecture introduce to children how recycling is done. A trip to ladfill to see how recycling process is running is has been organized. Action “Greener Christmas” for producing gifts from reused materials has been conducted for awareness rising on 19-20 December.

Author: C.E.G.A.