The Future World Center together with volunteers from Lefkara joined the annul city festival with recycling events. The action was focused on SDG 11 reaching sustainable and inclusive cities and on SDG 12 raising the responsible consumption.
The volunteers designed a stall on the festival in Lefraka on August 12 and 16. The main topic was recycling and education about reducing, reusing and recycling. A demonstration about what and how to recycle also took place. Over 100 visitors have been involved.
On August 16 the volunteers prepared workshops for children about reducing waste, reusing materials and planting. More than 50 children have participated.
The events have been supported by the local government of Lefkara, which a partner under the project. The Future World Center approached the municipality in February as one of the fifth major localities in the country. Representatives of the local government and volunteers took part in the 6 days training program organized by the Center on June 10-16 2018. It has been followed up by an on-site training to plan the local Learning action process on July 27th. The festival events are part of the LAP in Lefkara, developed by the volunteers and the local government with the support of the Future World Center.