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Global Education Goes Local

In the upcoming 3 years 6 European countries will work with over 30 small localities (under 50 000 inhabitans) to foster understanding of the inteconectedness between devloping countries and the European Union. Through comprehensive approach the project foreseen to increase the awarness of the citizens in the small localities, and especially young people on the local and global dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals. New methodologies of engaging young people in global issues are to be generated, especially by adding pop culture. And finaly a capacity building component is included for the local instututions involved in the project, on how to run quality global learning process with local communities and especially young people.

“Most of the things worth doing in the world have been declared impossible before they were done.”

L. Brandeis

Real People. Real Results

6 European Countries

Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Lithuania, Slovenia and Spain

1 Global South

Young People We Care – Ghana

30 localities

30 localities under 50 000 inhabitants

3 SDGs

The project focuses on gender equality, sustainable cities & communities and responsible consumption & production

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a Volunteer?


Identification of localities
Common trainings on global education
On-site training in each locality
Local learning-action processes
International workshop to share results
Developing Global Education resources
Massive Open Online Course
International training for youth workers and leaders
Three national trainings per country
National summer schools for young people
International Summer School in the Global South
Sharing and learning winter school
Good Practices Online Campaign
International Final Conference
Three policy workshops per country
Dissemination of the results