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Six towns join “Global Education goes local” Project in Slovenia

Global Education Goes Local > Success Stories > Uncategorized > Six towns join “Global Education goes local” Project in Slovenia
  • C.E.G.A.

The communities of Rakičanin, Koper, Oplotnica, TRbovlje, Majšperk and Murska Sobota joined the ”Global education goes local” Project in Slovenia. The Institute of African studies conducted meetings  in 15 municipalities in May and June to present the project and to advocate for the local governments’ engagement.

The institute presented as well an exhibition of children from Oplotnica about SDG goals and  the acceptance of refugees to local society.

The introductory training is set for August 27-28th and for the end of September. The Institute plans to involve as co-trainers the resource group of teachers experience in Global education and trained under the “Changing habits for good”  and “Youth of the World”, funded by the European Commission under the thematic  NSA-LA Programme.

Author: C.E.G.A.