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SDG-s on the festival stage in Kurtovo Konare

Global Education Goes Local > Success Stories > Uncategorized > SDG-s on the festival stage in Kurtovo Konare
  • C.E.G.A.
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The sustainable development goals have been mainstreamed at the annual Festival of Kurtovo Konare on the 6 to 8 September 2019. Mural, workshops, exhibition and discussions dedicated to responsible consumption and sustainable communities have been incorporated into the festival program.

Kurtovo Konare Festival honors indigenous vegetables and foods and the traditional for the community crafts. The Community center of Kurtovo Konare, one of the organizers of the festival launched a chain of events to attract young people and the visitors so to raise awareness on SDG-s. The concerts have been dedicated to the sustainable local community. Workshops of Disco Soup and Rock salad inspired by the “Global education goes Pop” toolkit have linked the traditional food with SDG 12 sustainable consumption and production. A thematic show has been devoted to environmental protection, recycling and decreasing food waste during the festival. A space for painting murals and graffiti has been organized during the festival days. An art workshop on recycling engaged the visitors.

As a follow up, part of the LAP-s round, an exhibition with recycled objects works of the members of the Community center and the youth they have been involving in the “Global education goes local” project has been open for the International UN day on October 24th. The exhibition showed also the arts of the participants at the festival workshops.

Over 20 participants into the musical program of the festival voice their support to the SDG-s. Over 180 visitors – students, youth and adults visited the exhibition. Over 1000 of the festival visitors reportedly have been introduced to the project and the topics of sustainable consumption and production.

Author: C.E.G.A.

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